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Тема decline 2024 12
Написал Oleg Smirnov <os333@netc.eu>
Дата 31 декабря 2024 в 23:51:11
Группа новостей alt.russian.z1

Many expect the upcoming Trump admin will bring some great changes,
but I doubt it. First, the Deep State will likely find means to
keep Trump firmly in check, so his promises made during campaigning
are unlikely to come true. It was so during his first term, and it
would be strange to expect the second time things will be different.
Second, an internal contradiction within the Trump's foreign policy
agenda makes it insecure. His expressed intention to stop war(s) is
incompartible with the "from the position of strength" mantra,
while the latter is what inspires large part of American populace,
especially those low-IQ rightards who loved those shoddy TV shows
where Trump appeared as a strongman. If Trump really does something
from the position of strength then it will lead to bigger conflicts
and thus more unproductive spending to the detriment of the American
domestic burning issues. If Trump does something sane / reasonable,
then the Atlanticist MSM will brand him a weakling and/or a puppet
of Putin/Xi, and it will undermine the Trump's support base (those
low-IQ rightards). The probable scenario is, while Trump may change
style, he would be incapable to change anything substantially.
And inter alia, the American decline will continue its natural way.
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#  decline 2024 12 Oleg Smirnov 31 декабря 2024 в 23:51:11
#  Re: decline 2024 12 D 1 января 2025 в 02:52:26

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